personality types

what’s your myers-briggs personality type? 

i ask because discovering mine and reading the full description has been life changing. or perhaps life affirming is the better way to put it?

i don’t require much validation from others, which is good because i don’t get much. 

but i have, from time to time, wondered at certain things about myself: tendencies, responses and reactions, quirks, challenges.

when i decided to take the test, i wasn’t looking to see if i was normal (that’s long since stopped being an aspiration of mine lol), but i was curious to see if they could pinpoint me accurately. it’s been a near impossibility for many, so i had my doubts.

after completing my evaluation, i discovered that i have the personality type

INTP-A: The Assertive Logician

if you’re reading this and you know me personally, you’re proly laughing rn at the accuracy of that appellation.

if you’re reading this and you don’t know me personally, take my word for it (and the chuckles of my associates): it’s accurate.

i knew when i started that it would be fun and interesting to find out what their myriad questions might divine about me (buzzfeed quizzes aren’t major clickbait for nothing), but what i didn’t expect was the relief i felt at finally being understood.

years of being both different from others and more confident than most had led to a soul-level exhaustion that i wasn’t fully aware of. almost every where i go, with almost every one i encounter, i am judged. or i get inane glances and questions and i have to explain myself over and over and over again. or, even worse yet, i am attacked by those who feel threatened.

acceptance and support are infrequent visitors in my world, and the constant barrage of micro aggressions was wearing on me.

BUT THEN all of a sudden i was reading these documents and they were describing me perfectly! i tend not to like categorizations and generalizations because they leave little room for outliers. but in this instance, being a part of this tiny group of ppl (less than 3% of the population) feels like arriving at home.